Pushing your case done is what we are responsible.


Over 20 years in law field, London Law Firm has been helping and supporting individuals and organizations to win and get over the tough cases.

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  • Car Accident
    The legal rules determining who's responsible for the personal, property damage resulting from a traffic collision.
  • Prawo gospodarcze i handlowe
    Kwestie związane z podejmowaniem i wykonywaniem działalności gospodarczej. Np. rejestracja spółek, sporządzanie umów.
  • Prawo rodzinne i opiekuńcze
    Reguluje stosunki prawne w rodzinie. Np. obowiązek alimentacyjny, ustanowienie opieki nad małoletnim, adopcje, rozwód.
  • Prawo cywilne
    Normuje stosunki majątkowe i osobiste między osobami fizycznymi i prawnymi. Np. sprawy spadkowe, prawo rzeczowe, prawo zobowiązań.
  • Prawo administracyjne i podatkowe
    Stosunki prawne pomiędzy różnymi podmiotami a organami administracji państwowej i samorządu terytorialnego. Np. skargi na decyzje, postanowienia administracyjne.
  • Prawo karne
    Kwestie odpowiedzialności karnej za popełnienie czynów zabronionych. Np. kradzież, pobicie.
  • Prawo pracy i ubezpieczeń społecznych
    Stosunki pomiędzy pracodawcą a pracownikami oraz inne zagadnienia ściśle związane z pracą. Np. niesłuszne zwolnienie z pracy, należne, niewypłacone wynagrodzenie.
  • Dispute Resolution
    A term that refers to a number of processes that can be used to resolve a conflict, dispute or claim.


Michael John
Michael has been working as a criminal lawyer for over 10 years, his such thick experience has helped a lot of clients win their cases.
Sarah Stone
An expert in family law, she has witnessed and solved many family cases, all clients she served trust and acknowledge her ability.
Josh Tim
He has been working with many companies, from small to big ones, in employment law practice, he is famous for his constant and firmly believe in justice.

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Difficult Questions!



The first thing you should do when someone owes you money is to speak to them to find out why they haven’t paid. After all they may have simply overlooked it. If they’re struggling to pay you back, you may be able to negotiate some kind of payment arrangement which keeps the relationship amicable.

To start court proceedings a solicitor will file a Statement of Claim. If someone serves you with one of these, you shouldn’t ignore it. If you do, the creditor can apply to the court for a judgment against you. You usually have 28 days to take action after someone serves a Statement of Claim on you.

You can send a debtor a letter of demand to allege that they owe a debt and advise that if it’s not paid within a certain period of time (usually 14 days), you’ll begin legal action. If you receive a letter of demand you should pay your debt as soon as you can, to avoid also being charged interest and legal costs.


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